How ZoomInfo Helped Three Customers Propel Their GTM Strategies

Chelsea Verstegen

Chelsea Verstegen

Brand & Trends Writer

Go-to-market efficiency is a hot topic for companies looking to succeed in the current market. Speedy customer acquisition without a hefty price tag is the target, but doing it effectively can be a challenge without the right tools and training. 

At the recent Forrester B2B Summit North America, ZoomInfo founder and CEO Henry Schuck sat down with leaders from Smartsheet, Sendoso, and BlueOcean to talk about the practical ways ZoomInfo has helped them optimize productivity and align their sales and marketing goals. 

How Sendoso’s GTM & RevOps Teams Are Adapting

Sendoso, a leading direct-mail platform, has made a lot of changes in the past few months in a push to appeal to new industries. The company’s strategic shift includes focusing on business efficiency, emphasizing evidence-based examples of their product’s value, and launching a freemium offer to attract a broader audience. They rely on ZoomInfo throughout their sales cycle for comprehensive data about accounts they’re targeting — and new accounts that can expand their market. 

Sendoso used intent spikes to see which accounts were searching specifically for their product or searching for related keywords like “direct mail automation.” Analyzing the firmographic characteristics of target accounts gave them a template for prospecting similar companies in new markets, such as finance and manufacturing. 

They use ZoomInfo’s data to identify the best-fit accounts to prioritize for contact enrichment and outreach, generate ideal customer profile (ICP) scores for each account, and populate account executives’ books.

“We scored about 80,000 of our accounts about six months ago and really reprioritized which accounts our AEs and SDRs were going after, and as a result we saw almost double our win rate in Q4,” Sendoso CEO Kris Rudeegraap said. 

Sendoso also uses ZoomInfo to track when a champion — essentially, the power user and biggest proponent of the product at an account — switches jobs. They then begin outreach to quickly establish a relationship with the champion at their new company. 

“It allows us to remedy the risks of a champion change and use that to our advantage,” Rudeegraap said.

How BlueOcean Modernized its GTM

BlueOcean is a predictive marketing platform that helps companies understand their brand’s market penetration. In partnering with ZoomInfo, the company was aiming to align its sales and marketing teams around the same goals and metrics, and to target prospects early in the buying cycle to deliver the most tailored experience possible.

“Nothing drives me more crazy than when I’m in a meeting looking at my data, and you’re looking at your data, and they say different things,” said Liz Tassey, VP of marketing at BlueOcean. “We’re spending time arguing about who is right, and by then, you’ve already lost.” 

ZoomInfo’s data enrichment gives BlueOcean’s marketing and sales teams the same full-scope view of each customer and prospect. And they have started leveraging automated workflows and intent data to tailor their outreach efficiently. 

“We are very focused on having demand creation and demand capture working symbiotically,” Tassey said. “I think a lot of organizations feel like it has to be a tradeoff, but they work better when they’re working together.” 

BlueOcean is also using retrospective research to capitalize on new opportunities. By analyzing wins from the past 90 days, they can identify intent topics that correlate closely with successful deals, creating a framework for finding potential good-fit prospects in the future.

SmartSheet Leverages ZoomInfo to Move Up-Market

SmartSheet, a well-known project and work management platform, is working with ZoomInfo to identify deal risks, improve win rates, and accelerate expansion into larger accounts.

To contend with an increasingly diverse customer base, SmartSheet relies on intent signals for account prioritization and timely targeting. With ZoomInfo data, they’re able to enrich their existing CRM and marketing platform records with full customer profiles. This better contact information ensures more effective and thoughtful follow-up to potential customers.

ZoomInfo’s FormComplete also ensures the capture of the most important prospect details without the added friction of multiple form fields. This has led to a 96% increase in form fills and 77% increase in wins at target companies with over 50 employees. 

“Because of the volume we’re dealing with, anything that we can do to optimize the selling process is really impactful,” SmartSheet CMO Andrew Bennett said. 

Effective GTM Teams Are Future-Driven

ZoomInfo has always prioritized innovation, and we’ll continue to support forward-thinking teams looking to revolutionize their GTM approach and build the most efficient teams possible. 

“We’re really excited to be a partner to so many companies as they’re thinking about the future, modernizing their go-to-market strategies, and aligning sales and marketing,” Schuck said.

ZoomInfo helps teams of all sizes — from startups to enterprise businesses — go to market more effectively than ever before. See for yourself with a free trial